How long has it been??
Sorry for not getting any updates here sooner. Our home PC is on the fritz and for some reason I can't access my blogger account from that computer. And, that would just happen to be the PC that we have all of our photos on. Anyways, here is a quick update to let everyone we are all doing well.
The boys are growing leaps and bounds. Liam is FINALLY getting used to using the potty. He gets SO excited when he pees in the toilet, he has to tell everyone in the house and sometimes has to tell Grandma over the phone. He loves to wear his 'Thomas' big-boy underpants.
Elijah is learning new words everyday. Unfortunately, his first word was "NO", and he still uses it on a regular basis. He understands a lot more than what he can say, and really needs to work on his pronunciation. Socks are pronounced "gocks" and shoes are "ooosh". He does pretty well with single-syllable words like car, dog, truck, bike, and so on. Liam has been helping him with his bigger words and putting sentences together one word at a time.
I will get some pics up here as soon as I can.
Jeff, Karen, Liam, and Elijah.