We had lunch at the park and Liam got to play on the playground for a while. He likes to run up and down the ramps where the walkway changes shape. His favorite rides are the swing and the slide.
Liam got to visit his other grandparents over Easter weekend, too. Here, dinner is about to be served. That looks like a Powell.
Daddy has the same reaction at dinner time, too.
Liam was introduced to the idea of hiding Easter eggs. Although, he was more interested in collecting the eggs just as they were put into their hiding place rather than waitng to find them. He had lots of fun with his 2nd cousins Felicity and Fletcher.
He didn't understand the concept of the Easter Bunny, but he's not gonna' turn down a few buckets of toys and some candy!!
"Thanks Mr. Bunny, and I hope to see you again next year."