Our little boy is growing up FAST! There are so many things that have happened and so many new words have been discovered. He has about 20 to 30 words in his vocabulary, eventhough his pronunciation isn't always perfect. Liam is like a sponge at this point and tries to mimmick mommy and daddy whenever he can - which isn't always our intention.

Liam learns how to drink from a bottle. That's "wah-wah" by the way.
Poppy and Grommy came up for a visit a while back. Liam took advantage of having extra people around to swing him in our make-shift swing in the back yard.

Just hangin' out in the back yard with Poppy
To the Zoo!!
Liam got his first look at wild animals (other than Einstein and Macavity) when we went to the NC Science Museum Zoo. We saw huge turtles, lot of monkeys, lots of birds, some elephants, a giraffe, some lazy lions, and a group of zebras - all of which were "dogs" to Liam, since that was the only word he knows for an animal.
The most interesting display was where they kept the tigers. Apparently, the keepers feed them from a cart that closely resembles an everyday stroller. So, when parents arrived pushing their strollers, the female tiger would pace back & forth by the fence as if to be stalking her prey (or at least expecting a meal). She had the same reaction to small kids - and especially for Liam - possibly thinking he was a small play toy (and hopefully not a quick snack).
Liam takes a close look at the "big kitty" while she sizes him up for a possible lunch. The small sign on the fence warns viewers that tigers will "spray" anything that threatens or encroaches on their territory. Needless to say, we kept our distance when they were close to the fence.
Until next time, Liam says "bye bye".